Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Plan.

I'm taking a minute to sneak away from my finals to share some excitement...Seriously research papers? I'd rather have a test, thank you very much.
Oh, well. I will admit the application is handy.

Blake and I are currently planning a trip to...
I've never been to Yellowstone, and I'm very excited to get away.

We're hoping to leave May 2nd. The plan is to stay for a few days just outside of the park, where lodging is cheaper.

Even though we'll get back home mid-week, I'm planning on taking the reminder of the week off from work for some much needed relaxation; Perhaps even a massage.

It will be a well-needed break; for the both of us. I'll admit that I haven't been very easy to live with right now.

But...Blake is a gem.

And this trip will be golden.

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