Monday, December 5, 2011

"Remember You Are Friends."

Every bridal shower and bachelorette party typically holds the same structure. At some point in time, guests are told to give their advice to the bride. 
It seems the general theme for advice ends up surrounding the topic of fighting: "Don't go to bed angry." "Go to bed angry." "Pick and choose your battles." So, the list goes on. 
My go-to advice remains the same at all of these events: "Remember You Are Friends."
I've given this advice countless times, and it is truly something I strive to live and breathe in my own marriage. Blake is my friend. 
He was my friend long before the notion of marriage even appeared to us. 
He will always be my friend.
This past week I have been really hard on Blake. I don't know why, and I don't know where it came from. 
I will always be the first to admit that I can be a very difficult person to live with. I am demanding and meticulous. I can't imagine how exhausting this can be on a person, but Blake is amazing. 
This past week I have been hard on him, and he hasn't deserved one minute of it.
While walking out of school tonight I was greeted with a text message. 
It was from Blake: "Let me know when you are out of class, and I will make dinner for us."
I called him immediately to let him know I was on my home. 
I was really excited to see him. Today was such a long day, filled with early morning work and evening classes immediately after.
While driving home I found myself getting more and more anxious to spend time with him. I began weaving in and out of traffic, speeding, and butterflies were moving around in my stomach. 
I was so excited to come home.
Then I remembered my advice: "Remember You Are Friends."
As of late, I haven't been treating Blake like much of a friend. I've been treating him like a husband. 
Our conversations have been too formal: "The house needs this." "These bills need to be paid." "We need this." "We need that." 
Blah. Blah. Blah.
What I really want to do is just cuddle up under a blanket with him and watch a movie. 
I really just want to hang out with him.
And I'm really not sure what I am doing just sitting here writing about it.
Peace out, friends.
I'm gonna go chill with my best friend now.

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