Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I said goodbye to my old Journal last week.
I've had it since my engagement with Blake and it holds many amazing experiences and memories, but I knew inevitably I would reach the last page.
It is now filed away with my prior Journals; a collection that only continues to grow and dates back to my first journal my mother gave me at eight years old.
I am so passionate about journal writing. About writing in general.
Documenting my thoughts and feelings relaxes and centers me.
It helps me focus on what is truly important to me.
If a feeling or experience isn't important enough for me to write down to keep forever, then it really wasn't that important.
I've been looking throughout this week for the perfect journal to hold my words.
I have found that journal.Its a beautiful leather-bound book with hand-painted artwork on the cover.
The pages feel thick and ancient.
And It smells antique.
I love it.
I'm looking forward to begin filling it with ink.

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