Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Altra. The Intuition.

An early birthday present.
My new running shoes...Custom fit, props given to Runners Corner
Altra, The Intuition.
Altra's are the closest shoes one can get to the famous "Toe Shoes" without actually going there. 
They use a zero drop platform, meaning the shoes are the same distance off the ground from the heel to the ball of your foot, providing you with a more natural and supportive run. Zero drop platforms allow you to run with better technique and form, providing better posture and alignment of the body, as well as reducing the impact of the run. These shoes have been proven to help reduce injury associated with running such as, shin-splints, Achilles injury, and Neuromas (something I have personally suffered from). 

I could immediately feel the difference in my run after putting these shoes on. They completely adjusted my stride. 
It's a beautiful thing....Life is short...Run Natural.
These shoes are helping me do this.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh!!! Let me know how you like them! I'm coming due for a new pair of running shoes!
