Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I have a confession to make.

But first...You will all be pleased to know that I am about to begin a very strict diet and exercise program. I have been absolutely ridiculously unhealthy lately and it has to end...Now.
Back to the confession:
When I walked down the aisle 2 1/2 years ago and married my amazing husband Blake...I weighed 128 pounds. I was perfectly satisfied with this weight and I was in great shape. Life was good. Now...2 1/2 years later....Here it comes...143 pounds.Yes. I did it. As ashamed as I am, I have stated my weight for the blogging world to see. I have become what some may consider a "fat ass," although I am more concerned with how less healthy I am currently living. But...that is quickly going to be put to an end.

I am so disappointed in myself. I know better than this. I know how to be healthy. I know how to take care of myself. I know how to train. I know how to eat. I know all of these things. I don't need someone telling me how to take care of myself. It just seems that lately I've been slacking.
You see...I've always considered myself an athletic person. I've grown up playing AA soccer, basketball, accelerated softball, and highschool soccer and softball...I know what it takes to be healthy and in shape. I also know that I'm perfectly capable of disciplining myself in order to better myself and get my body back to where I want it to be.One of my resolutions this year is to run a half marathon. I've never done anything like this before, and I really need to get my ass in gear and get it done. No more excuses. I am determined to find the time in my ever-increasingly limited schedule to take care of my body. I love when I am in shape, eating right, and being healthy. I hate the constant 'blah' feeling I have had of late...It's time to put it to bed and move on.

So here is my challenge...On the days I'm not stuck at school
(that'd be 4), I will go to the gym and focus on rigorous cardio as well as strength training. Ab training will be handled daily, and I will get back to my yoga routine that I absolutely loved and miss dearly. Eat less...Especially the junk. And workout more. Good. Old fashioned. Diet and exercise, my friends.
Will I stick to it? We shall see....I have a feeling that with Blake's unwavering support, I'll be fine.One thing I absolutely refuse to do is set myself a weight goal...I have what you could call an obsessive personality, and I know if I set a weight goal I'll obsess about it everyday and this whole thing will go south real fast.
I just want to be healthy and get back to feeling great about my body...That's my goal.
Let's see how I do!

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