Friday, January 15, 2010

New Year. New Decade.

Welcome 2010.

We're a little late starting this, but if you know Blake and I at all, you know we are never on time. We are fashionably late people. That's just how we roll. So, Blake and I finally put together a simple list of goals we want to accomplish this year.
Here goes. We will:
1-Knock out half of our total debt. This obviously will not include our amazing student loans that we just love way too much to get rid of.
2-Purchase a home.
3-Start exercising together again.
4-Go on a fabulous cruise-where we can eat, drink, gamble, and be merry.
5-Be more healthy together.

I am clearly a resolution fan. I believe in setting goals with deadlines. Compare it to writing a paper. If you never have a deadline, will you ever turn it in? Anyways...over lunch today, I asked Blake if he had any personal resolutions he wanted to accomplish this year. Just for himself. His response was...."My resolution is to stay away from a resolution." He makes me giggle. To him, resolutions are created simply to be broken....Well. I have created a personal list of my own resolutions, and I plan on proving him wrong and showing him that resolutions are not made to be broken-by checking off each and every one. Should be fun.

What I want to do this year:
1-Run a half marathon
2-Run, run, and run some more. I love running. I just never make the time for it.
3-Read 'War and Peace' by Tolstoy. I hear this book is absolutely life-changing.
4-Transition back into going to school full time and making it my number one priority.
5-Reach my savings goal for our trip to Dublin in 2011.
6-Save more money from each and every paycheck. Follow my budget and I should be fine.
7-Be ready to start a LSAT prep course by January 2011.
8-Learn to breathe. Relax more and take the time to simply enjoy.
9-Live a more healthy lifestyle.
10-Pay off and say good bye to my Kohl's Charge and the baggage it has brought me.

Sounds reasonable enough....I'm ready to begin marking them off, one by one.
Welcome 2010. What will you bring me?

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