Friday, March 5, 2010


Blake simply can't wait for the new Halo to come out in May.
Halo Reach.
He is literally watching the trailer to this new time waster and informing me of the history of Halo as we speak.
I'm thrilled for the new Halo Reach to come out. I'm absolutely thrilled for even longer late nights, listening to Blake and his buddies talk shit at each other while destroying things.
Can't wait for May.
Thank you Halo....You're the equivalence of the Saw movies to me.



  1. Haha! I know what you mean...right now it's modern warfare 2 that keeps my hubby up late at night. I will admit that I like to play once in awhile too!

  2. Don't get me started! If it were only Halo I think I'd be ok, but no, once they get bored of Halo they get Bad Company or Modern Warfare or the most recent Mass Effect. Will there EVER be an end to the killing?! I've even started dreaming that I'm in the stupid game! I hate my nightlife.

  3. Blah Blah Blah... oh you poor things.
