Sunday, March 21, 2010

I Am Me.

I am who I am.
You may like it, love it, hate it, disapprove of it.
But I am Me.
I have gone through the conflict of discovering who I am and what I am about.
I've been that girl who craves acceptance from the dominant society.
I've walked and sat through church alone as a I could gain the approval of my little friends.
I've experimented with unmentionables throughout high school...for approval from another type of crowd.
I've cried. I've been frustrated. I've been confused and angry.
But now I am simply me.

I don't need a set of religious moral rules to live by. I now have my own.
I don't need approval from any other person. I approve of myself.
And I am living a life that I am very much proud of. My own.
I may not be perfect. In fact, I've never denied that I am quite the sinner.
But at least when I meet my maker I can say...
"I have not lived a lie."
What you see is what you get. I don't live a life for appearances sake.
I live a life for me.

As the Night the Day.


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