Monday, March 29, 2010

Vegas Baby.

Blake and his friends took off to Vegas this weekend. They were heading to a Bad Religion concert at The House of Blues (Amazing venue).
And...Oh geeze, did they have an adventure...
About 45 minutes from home Blake hit ice in the Cobalt crossing a bridge on the freeway...Okay crazy.
No warnings about icy roads ahead. 75-80 miles per hour. Skidding and sliding over 150 yards. Flying 12 feet into the embankment.
Not a scratch.
Lucky boys. Someone's watchin' out for them!

Now did you honestly think that would stop these boys from making it to Vegas?
No! Absolutely not!
They were towed back home and simply switched vehicles...Soon they were back on their way!

Anywho..Blake said they all had a really fun time in Vegas. The show was phenomenal, filled with punching and pushing...This oddly-violent thing boys like to do called "moshing"
"Releasing the frustrations," Blake says...All I have to say about that is "Whatev."
They made it safely home Sunday night.

I'm so happy they were able to survive their ordeal and still have a great time in Vegas!
It's always good for Blake to simply be with his friends.
Throwin' up the "No Girls Allowed" sign and such. It's sweet really. Kind of romantic. A Bro-Mance of sorts.
Truly...I'm thrilled they had such a good time. These three boys are so goofy together. Goofy-perfection.
I'm so happy Blake has such amazing friends.
I hope they do it again soon! They don't "hang" like they used to anymore.-Jess


  1. Holy crap! I'm so glad they're OK. Oh, but your poor car. At least they had fun. : ) They always do.

  2. Jaron said he had SO much fun, thanks for letting the boys take your car and mangle it a little - you're sucha good wife. I told Ash on Sunday that I would've giving Jaron a few bruises of my own if that would've happened in my car.

    Can wait to see you on Saturday :)

  3. "...GIVEN Jaron a few bruises..."

    "Can'T wait to see you on Saturday"

    WOW! There were a lot of grammatical errors in that one.

  4. lol...we can't wait to see you both too!!
